Dr. Tassie Hargrove, B.S., D.C., A.N.A.

Dr. Tassie Hargrove has been practicing Functional Medicine now for over a decade. She has specialized in non-pharmaceutical applications to chronic illness, auto immune disorders, energy restoration, and hormone balancing. Through lab analysis, nutrition, diet, food sensitivity analysis, and structural support she help her patients restore their health and feel better. With a B.S. from Clemson University, as well as a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Life University she has continued her studies in Nutrition and Functional Medicine since graduating in 1998. Some of her work includes: mastering thyroid imbalance, ...., as well as mastering blood and brain chemistry. Along with being a practitioner Dr.Tassie is a mother to two beautiful children, and she enjoys being active in the community and sports activities with them.

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A Message from Dr. Tassie Hargrove:

Good health is the best investment anyone can make, and there really is no substitute for it. For over  a decade, I have had the opportunity of working with people of varying ages who have faced a variety of health challenges from the stress of endurance athletes, food allergies, and hormonal changes to chronic thyroid conditions.

In my experience, I have found that regardless of health needs, patients are seeking a doctor that listens, pays attention, provides a comprehensive analysis of findings, and offers individualized treatment plans to best serve their needs. It is my goal to be the kind of doctor that provides personalized care for each and every one of my patients.